Going Faster

Carl Lopez

Published: Oct 22, 2009



1 Cover 

4 Contents

8 Foreword

9 Preface

10 Introduction

16 Part I The Fundamentals

+17 1 A Plan of Attack

+33 2 The Three Basics

48 Part II Developing the Basics

+49 3 The Real-World Line

+69 4 Mastering Car Control

+85 5 Braking and Entering

+103 6 Shifting

113 Part III Honing Your Skills and Strategies

+114 7 Working Up a Track: From Map to Laps

+137 8 Finding Lap Time

+151 9 Passing

+164 10 The Reality of Racing

+178 11 Accidents

+188 12 Racing in the Rain

198 Part IV: The Role of Hardware

+199 13 Tires

+208 14 Chassis Adjustments

224 Part V: Becoming a Race Driver

+225 15 Comparing Cars

+253 16 Inside the World of Racing

262 Appendix: Racing Resources

265 Bibliography

266 Glossary

270 Index

277 Art Credits

278 Author's Achnowledgements

279 About the Author

280 About the Skip Barber Racing School

281 Back Cover