Permanent Record CN Edition With Underlined Redactions

Edward Snowden

Language: Chinese


Edward Snowden, a former US National Security Agency contractor and whistleblower, has said the Chinese version of his recently published autobiography has been censored.

Snowden, who exposed massive US government surveillance programmes in 2013, posted on Twitter that parts of his book, Permanent Record, had been struck from the Chinese version published last week, in violation of his publishing agreement.

In response, Snowden posted images of the censored pages next to the original version and called on Chinese readers to help identify the missing sections.

“Let us compile a correct and unabridged version of #PermanentRecord to publish freely online in Chinese, by assembling a cadre of translators to expose every shameful redaction the censors demanded,” he posted. “We will work in service to the greater Republic of Letters and a better internet.”