Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer + EES Software
Yunus Cengel
Handbook of Nanofabrication
Wiederrecht, Gary
Ampere A Tseng
Quantum Mechanics solutions
David Jeffery Griffiths & avid griffiths
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
David Jeffery Griffiths
Laurence Copeland
Turbulent Flows
Stephen B. Pope
Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach
An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics
G. K. Batchelor
Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, Fourth Edition
I. G. Currie
Incompressible Flow
Ronald L. Panton
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Perturbation Methods
Ali H. Nayfeh
Conduction Heat Transfer
Dimos Poulikakos
Viscous Fluid Flow
Frank M. White